Reproductive Health

HealthMetrics has a deep knowledge and experience evaluating Reproductive Health services.  We have completed 184 projects nationally.  These projects have created a large database on quality outcomes and process variation in this field.

The large database provides clients with difficult to get comparative data with which to benchmark their services on multiple dimensions- cost, clinical quality, staff and patient satisfaction. HealthMetrics uses this database in generating recommendations for specific process changes in service delivery systems in order to improve clients’ performance. With family planning clinics under pressure from ACA and ACO’s to document outcomes and run efficient operations, this data is critical to managers.


Our Optimal Performance Projects have a wide impact on Reproductive Health clinics’ operations. Improved scheduling systems dramatically reduce no show rates. Process changes significantly increase clinician productivity. Job satisfaction and staff retention is improved by matching a staff skills with their assigned work. Patient wait time and start to finish visit time is decreased.  Patient and staff satisfaction is boosted with improved service delivery.

Benefits from  Reproductive Health Projects include:

  • Reduced costs/increase productivity over 20%
  • Increased revenues from higher patient keep rates and increased volume from higher clinician productivity
  • Enhanced patient and staff satisfaction
  • Maintenance or improved clinical outcomes

When a manager understands costs, has documented performance and measured quality outcomes measures, s/he has data to keep his/her organization financially viable. Data and efficiency improvement from projects gives managers knowledge to position their organizations to thrive with the advent of ACA, ACOs and reduced budgets.

Family planning providers are currently designated as “essential community providers” making this is an important window of time for Reproductive Health managers to prepare for health care changes ahead by delivering efficient effective care.

Supporting Managers to Implement Change

HealthMetrics guidance does not end with a report of findings and recommendations from the project.  We stand by clients as they implement changes. A HealthMetrics team works in regular problem solving meetings with clients to remove obstacles to change.  This steady support ensures that clients receive a quick substantial benefit from projects.
